Friday 24 May 2013

How to Pick the Best Summer Activities for Children

As Christian parents and grandparents we've the awesome responsibility of guiding our kids and helping them to find summer activities that support family and Christian values while educating, entertaining, and promoting fun and relaxation. Regardless if you are planning vacations, camps, or summer and vacation Bible schools, below are great tips to help you make the best choices for your 
kids and your family.

  • Research Christian or camps carefully. Choose those that support your religious and family values and be certain to find reliable recommendations using their company parents, pastors, or teachers. Consider qualifications of people who will be in charge and who'll have the daily responsibility for the child. Think about how they handle emergencies, what experiences they'll be providing for your child, and just how the cost of the camp fits in with the family budget.
  • Talk to your children by what they want to participate in for the summer and just what skills or interests they might want to explore. Some children prosper with time away from home for these experiences for example camp but others would fare better being home with activities locally where they can participate with neighbors or friends. Avoid over booking or planning your child’s summer. A lot of activities can lead to exhaustion, irritability, and mood changes.
  • Help children to organize activities that include an aspect of serving others. It's really a simple as volunteering in a local nursing home, collecting cans for recycling, or raising funds to have an important cause. Using summer season to participate in activities that provide others less fortunate shows our kids how important it is for everyone people, protect the environment, or hand back. There is nothing better than blessing others with selfless giving.
  • Help children to uncover the joy of quiet time. Peace and quiet can be a time for renewing, reading, meditating, or sometimes just going for a nap. Children learn to be comfy with quiet time to pray, focus on a craft or hobby independently, in order to simply listen to the sounds of nature or even the quiet voice of God. Additionally they learn that they do not have to be entertained every minute during the day by others. Quiet time activities could be age appropriate and can be done alone or like a group. The main focus is to help children recognize the necessity to rest and renew.
  • Think safety when planning any summer activities for children. Not only should parents consider equipment safety, food safety, and environmental safety but additionally who your children spend time with where they spend time. Older children choose a number of these activities and their friends. Parental guidance enables them to to make good choices. Know who your children’s friends are and just what adults they are around. Be concerned and involved in those that have connections for your children to have the best possibility of keeping them safe at all ages.
Summer is a great time for vacation Bible school, church or camp, day trips, and working on new hobbies or activities. Use your children to find things that that they like and enjoy but that will help help them learn service and gratitude with fun. Encourage reading and skills that have them ready for the new school year yet won’t bore them or discourage their enthusiasm for learning. Keeping these pointers in mind will help your kids to possess a fun and safe summer while honoring Christian family values.

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