Thursday 5 February 2015

Top 5 Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep Better

Yoga poses for good night sleep will calm you down and release all the tensions and anxious energy vibrations you are holding in your body and muscles. It will relieve all the worries, stress, heaviness and trigger a state of thoughtlessness so that you can you gently fall asleep. Try these simple yoga poses from the comfort of your bed and change your sleepless habits for good.

Locust Pose (Salabhasana)

Come to your stomach with a pillow supporting your hips and belly. Gazing down and keeping the back of the neck long, interlace your fingers behind the small of your back. Inhale, extend the arms behind you, lifting the hands towards the ceiling and pressing the tops of your toes into the mattress. Exhale, try to hold that height. Inhale again, lifting the chest and head, with gaze forward and back of neck neutral. Exhale, hold this position. Continue to lengthen the body and open the heart for 10 rounds of breath. On an exhale, lower back down to the bed, releasing your hands by your side.

Legs Up The Wall (Viparita Karani)

Set your pillow up against the wall or headboard at the top of your bed and lay on top of the pillow with your sit bones at the headboard or wall. Extend your legs up towards the ceiling, keeping the heels stacked over the hips, and rest your head and shoulders against the mattress. The arms can extend by your side, palms facing up to receive the restorative energy that flows into your body with the breath.

Halasana- Plow Pose

Performing Halasana or plow pose brings new vitality to your body by turning the flow of blood circulation. Lie down on your back; engage your abdominal muscles to lift your legs over your head until your toes touch the ground behind you. If your toes are unable to reach the ground then try this asana lying perpendicular with your head touching the wall so that your feet will be supported by the wall. You can either keep your arms at your sides and palms facing downwards or you can interlace your fingers behind your back and then slowly straighten your arms. You must slowly and carefully roll out of pose like one vertebrate at a time. This pose helps in reducing physical tension, stretch put your back and neck muscles and in relaxing your body. Remain in this pose for 1 to 5 minutes to fall asleep easier.

Forward fold/bend

In this pose your hips are above your head and heart, forcing your blood flow to shift directions. In forward fold, the tension in your hips and backs of your legs (which is a common place for people to carry tension) begins to melt away.

Corpse Pose or Shavasana

Everyone loves this pose in yoga classes! Relaxing, restoring, meditative and transforming, corpse pose can deeply alter your energy field. It repairs cells and tissues, reduces blood pressure, grounds the body and balances your nervous system.

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