Tuesday 3 February 2015

The Health Benefits of Slacklining

Slacklining can improve your balance, posture and concentration. Some people use this sport to clear their minds and relax from work. Your core strength will improve and you may feel more focussed and flexible.

Some sports and equipment aim to develop muscles through a repetitive onesided physical exercise. However this means that non-active muscles are liable to waste away. These non-active core muscles are very important in supporting our (back and stomach) musculature.

Slacklining Benefits

Slackline experts swear by its benefits, and do not seem enthusiastic to return to conventional methods to maintain overall health. In slacklining, the act of balancing while walking is challenging, which helps train most of the major muscle groups. Here are some more of the benefits of this sport.

Stress buster

Slackline experts suggest that when on the days you feel tensed and stressed out; walking the slackline might just relieve you of the stress. Many even consider this sport as a very good stress buster and feel that slacklining can reduce levels of stress and keep it to a minimum.

Improves Posture

Strengthening the postural muscle is one of the most important physical benefits of slacklining. People who slackline regularly tend to have better posture. Improving your posture boils down to strengthening the core, which is what slacklining does. It strengthens the spine and the back, which works to improve your stance. Sitting with a hunched back or slouching while standing or walking, are all signs of poor posture, resulting from poor core stability. All this can be corrected by practicing slacklining regularly.

Mental Concentration

Slacklining can be quite meditative. Do it first thing in the morning to clear your head and improve your focus for the rest of the day.

Strength and Flexibility

The act of shifting your body weight to control your balance requires the use of several small muscles in your legs, feet and core. Each time you try something new on the line, you’ll use a slew of new muscles. Expect to feel sore the next day.

Enhances alertness and concentration

Walking on the slackline requires immense concentration and focus to maintain your balance on the rope. Even a slight deviation will make you lose your balance and you will fall off the rope. This activity contributes towards developing and enhancing concentration levels, focus and mental alertness. So, whenever you find your mind drifting away, practice slacklining to help control your wandering mind.

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