Tuesday 16 April 2013

Yoga Poses That Burn Belly Fat

Yoga for belly fat is one of the greatest things you can add to your exercise routine. Yoga poses can definitely have a big impact on your weight loss goals. Check out this article on the various health benefits of yoga.Practicing yoga will help specifically in the reduction of abdominal fat and fat deposits throughout your entire body. Some poses have shown to improve spine health and improve flexibility throughout the entire core region.
Belly fat is a special kind of fat deposit area in the body. Humans acquire relatively large amounts of fat in this region because this is where the stress hormone, influences fat storage.

People who have chronic stress, even if not at extreme levels, have difficulty reducing belly fat with traditional abdominal exercises. The truth is that in order to reduce overall body fat, one must reduce fat, build muscle, and reduce stress.

All of these poses stretch, tone, and target the core region of the body, including the abdominals and the lower back. As with all yoga practice, performing these poses on an empty stomach will be more comfortable and offer better results.

Boat Pose (Navasana):
The boat pose can be performed with or without the assistance of yoga props. In a seated position, lift your upper body and legs until they form a V-shape. If you can’t fully elongate your legs, you may bend your knees in the beginning. Hold this pose for 30 seconds and then repeat. Yoga props can alleviate some pain during this pose if your back is strained.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana):
The technique for this pose is to lie you on your stomach, bend your knees, and hold your ankles. While your knees are together, pull your hands and push with your legs until you form an arch with only your stomach touching the ground. Point your chin upwards, and after releasing the pose, relax for a minute before repeating. This pose reduces abdominal fat by compressing your spinal column and pressing your nerves and mineralizing blood circulation (while you’re in the pose). Once the pose is released, there is then a greater supply of blood which increases your spinal flexibility.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana):
The method for this pose is to lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders and your forehead on the ground. Using your back muscles, raise your upper body and keep your head high. Your hands should remain on the ground and should not be strained. This pose also elongates your spine and helps considerably in reducing belly fat. If you feel any back pain, make sure to release your pose as to not overstrain your body.

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