Thursday 28 March 2013

Best Water Games for Kids

Water games are a fun way to get full-body exercises for people of any age. The low-impact nature of water activities means they are feasible for almost anyone. Always take proper precautions when playing games in water, for example keeping youngsters nearby and wearing life vests if playing in deeper water.

Water Balloon Games

Dodge Ball
This is a game of dodge ball having a twist. Provide participants having a supply of water balloons. Separate participants into two equal teams. Have teams fall into line opposite each other and designate a line that separates the 2 teams. On a cue, kids make an effort to strike opponents with the water projectiles. When a player is hit, they're eliminated. The last player remaining benefits.

Most Muscles
Split kids into equal teams. Besides water balloons, a big t-shirt is needed for this game. Each team chooses a person to put on the t-shirt. Teammates attempt to fill the t-shirt with water balloons with no balloons bursting. The team that is in a position to stuff the most balloons ('muscles') is victorious.

Biggest Splash
Kids will love this game as it requires creating a mess. Have participants stand somewhere in which a balloon's splatter is visible. A driveway or parking area will work best. Each participant accumulates a water balloon and places it over their head. Then the player uses all of their might to throw it on the floor. The player who makes the biggest "splash" wins.

Chop up
In this game, supply each kid having a plastic knife, a paper plate, and 10 water balloons. Participants place a water balloon on his or her individually. Then participants attempt to cut the balloons using the plastic utensil. The person who has the capacity to cut through all 10 balloons the quickest is the winner.

Racing Duckies

Kids will have fun racing rubber duckies in one end of the pool to the other. Purchase 3 or 4 rubber duckies from a department or home supply store. It's best to only have three or four players participate at any given time to avoid confusion. If you can find different colored rubber duckies, that would be amazing. If you can't, differentiate the duckies by coloring the beaks in various colors with permanent marker. The aim of the game is to have children push the duckies in one end of the pool to the other, only using their noses. The child who reaches the other side of the pool first wins.

Dive for Treasure

Kids may have fun diving for treasure that's sunken at the bottom of the pool. Purchase or select items from throughout the house that will sink in the water. Some ideas include coins, bottle caps, small rocks and toy cars. Toss the items into the pool, scattering them around through the pool. Divide kids into two teams. In your mark, children jump into the water, attempting to collect as many items as they possibly can. Allot five minutes for searching. They with the most treasures when time is known as wins.

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