Deep breathing can benefit
anyone, but it is especially important for pregnant women. It's not only
relaxing (reduced stress will work for you and your baby), it can also enhance
your body awareness and educate you on to control your breath - especially
useful when you are coping with labor pain. Many people typically take shallow
breaths in the upper chest. When you relax, your lower abdomen and lungs expand
fully, permitting better gas exchange and much more oxygen to the baby. Here's
how you can do it properly: Sit up straight and put your hands on your belly.
Feel it go up and down as you inhale (through your nose, unless it's too stuffy)
and exhale (your mouth). Try taking a couple of minutes each day to focus on
breathing deeply.
Chest stretches while pregnantPregnancy
changes your posture, center of gravity, and results in you to make a number of
new and strange bodily adjustments - a few of which can lead to pregnancy aches
and pains. Gently stretching your chest muscles can help you feel more
comfortable while enhancing your circulation. Here's how: Together with your
arms bent and at shoulder level, grasp each side of a doorway. Lean forward,
feeling the stretch inside your chest. Hold this position for ten to twenty
seconds and release; do five reps.
Stretches for pregnancy lower back
painIn case you haven't noticed, back pressure is the constant companion
these days (and when it isn't, it probably will be soon). Relieve pregnancy
lower back pain (at least for a little while) with this particular pose: Get
down on both hands and knees and relax your back, keeping the head straight and
ensuring your neck is arranged with your spine. Then arch your back - you'll
feel your abs and buttocks tighten. Enable your head gently droop down. Slowly
go back to your original position. Repeat many times - and do many times a day
if you can, especially if you're sitting or standing a lot on the job.
Hip stretches while pregnantThe hip flexor muscles are what
permit you to lift your knees and bend in the waist. Stretching these muscles
periodically can help keep you limber, and make it more convenient for you to
spread your legs when it is time for the baby to emerge. To flex your flexors,
stand at the end of a flight of stairs as if you were about to climb them. (Hold
on to the railing with one hand for support if you want to.) Place one foot
around the first or second stair up (anything you can comfortably reach) and
bend your knee. Keep the other leg on the floor behind you, knee straight. Lean
to your bent leg, keeping your back straight. You'll have the stretch in your
straight leg. Switch legs and repeat. Then climb those stairs for many
extra pregnancy exercise!
Neck stretches while pregnantThis exercise
will ease tension inside your neck (and give you a few quiet moments to
yourself). Crunches straight in a supportive chair. Close your vision and
breathe deeply, then gently tilt your face to one side and allow it to slowly
drop toward your shoulder. Don't lift up your shoulder to meet your head, and do
not force your head down. Hold for 3 to six seconds, then switch sides. Repeat 3
or 4 times. Gently bring your face forward, letting your chin relax to your
chest. Roll your cheek right toward your shoulder (again, don't force the
motion, and do not move your shoulder toward your face) and hold for three to 6
seconds. Switch sides and repeat. Do 3 or 4 sets per day.
exercises while pregnantRelaxation exercises help conserve energy,
increase body awareness, and reduce pregnancy stress (and stress is detrimental
for you or baby). They'll are also available in very handy during labor and
delivery (in addition to during your first overwhelming weeks like a new mom) -
a very good reason to practice them frequently now. Here's someone to try: Sit
in a comfortable, supportive chair and shut your eyes. Picture a beautiful,
peaceful scene that simply plain makes you happy. Then, beginning with your
feet, consciously relax parts of your muscles, working your way slowly out of
your toes up through your legs, torso, and lastly your neck and face. Breathe
deeply and slowly (through your nose, if it's not too stuffy) that create your
lower abdomen to increase and fall. As you exhale, you may want to try repeating
a thing that you find comforting (perhaps one or peace ). Or try counting while
you breathe: As you inhale, count to four, and count to 6 as you exhale.
Shoulder stretches while pregnantYour body is changing every
day, and delicate stretches during pregnancy can help ease the discomfort that
may accompany those changes. To help ease tension in your shoulders (especially
good should you spend a lot of time at the computer), do this simple move: Stand
together with your feet shoulder width apart. Bring your left arm in front of
you at chest height and bend it slightly. Bring your right hand, place it on
your left elbow, after which gently pull your left elbow toward your right
shoulder while you exhale. Hold the stretch for 5 to 10 seconds, then switch
Standing leg stretches while pregnantSwelling,
cramping…let's face it, pregnancy continues to be tough on your legs. Provide
them with a much-needed break with this easy stretch: Stand and keep a
countertop, the back of huge chair, or another sturdy object for support. Bend
your right knee and produce your right foot back or more toward your buttocks.
Grasp your foot together with your right hand and bring your heel toward your
buttocks while extending your thigh backward in the hip joint. Keep your back
straight and contain the stretch for ten to Thirty seconds. Repeat with the left
Tailor stretch while pregnantThis stretch is done while
sitting cross-legged, which no doubt you've already figured out is a very
comfortable position. Sitting cross-legged and stretching can help you relax and
get in touch with the body (the more familiar you are together with your body as
you move into labor and delivery, the greater). Experiment with different arm
stretches while sitting - try placing their hands on your shoulders, then
reaching on them your head and
stretching exercises toward the ceiling. You may also
alternate stretching one arm greater than the other or leaning to 1 side. (Do
not bounce when stretching.)
Stretches to enhance circulation during
pregnancyIf you've been sitting for some time or just feel generally
tensed up or uncomfortable, do this easy circulation-boosting move. Stand up,
and put your feet shoulder's width apart. Twist gently in the waist, slowly
turning laterally. Keep your back straight and allow your arms swing freely.
Can't wake up? You can even do this pregnancy exercise while you are